* How awesome would it be if we had a physical/occupational/speech therapist who lived with us?
* A nap. I want a nap.
* Wouldn't it be amazing if he woke up tomorrow and just did that?
* That pediatric neurologist/pediatric orthopedist/pediatric ophthalmologist/developmental pediatrician sure is sexy.
* "Have you heard? We've done away with IEPs! Just let us know what your child needs and we'll take care of it, no problem."
* How cool: an app that dresses and feeds kids! And books all their doctor/therapy appointments!
* Well, if I won the lottery, we could have a therapist move in with us.
* "CNN Special Report: A new study finds that having a child with special needs makes you look 10 years younger"
* Yes, of course, my child would be happy to play with your child. Let me just see when we can squeeze in a playdate, he's so overbooked.
* And, yes, my child is thrilled to be Time Magazine's Person of the Year.
* George Clooney has decided to become a pediatric neurologist? Woo hoo!
* "Sorry, insurance company claims person, your claim to enter heaven is denied; purgatory is right this way."