That title is for you, "Friends" fans.
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It boggles my mind how creative you all are.
Every day I find new and fun things all over the blogosphere and I constantly wish I was this creative! Kudos, my friends. My hat is off to you!
Today's post is for those of you who are looking for that perfect something that's missing from your Halloween party plans. If you're in that boat, I hope there's something here that will help you out! And you have just enough time to run to the store this weekend and get everything you need! Have fun with all the party planning this weekend, everyone! I want to see some pictures posted on the Cupcake Diaries Facebook page!
Remember that Halloween cake I was telling you about that my sister-in-law Erika made for my twin sister and I? Here it is in all its glory! Isn't this amazing? Erika gets the first creativity point for the day. She is SO good at building cool cakes. I need to post a picture of the Tangled cake she made for her daughter's 4th birthday.
Time to get ready for your party!
Carve Pumpkins with Cookie Cutters @ Fresh Home Ideas
Bat-o'-Lanterns @ Family Fun
Party Ideas for Children:
Children's Halloween Party Ideas @ Project Nursery
Spider Web Dip @ Gone Ta Pott
Halloween Chex Mix @ Betty Crocker
Halloween Whoopie Pies @ Lee La La
Party Favors:
Halloween Play Dough @ The Idea Room
Eek, Shriek and Be Scary Printables @ Wants & Wishes Design

Today's post is for those of you who are looking for that perfect something that's missing from your Halloween party plans. If you're in that boat, I hope there's something here that will help you out! And you have just enough time to run to the store this weekend and get everything you need! Have fun with all the party planning this weekend, everyone! I want to see some pictures posted on the Cupcake Diaries Facebook page!

Time to get ready for your party!

Party Ideas for Children:


Party Favors:

Halloween Treat Tags @ The Crafting Chicks
The Best Costume Ever:
The Office Dwight Schrute Costume @ Costume Pop
How would one describe this Dwight Schrute costume from The Office? Three words: hard working, alpha male, jackhammer...merciless...insatiable...
The Best Costume Ever:

How would one describe this Dwight Schrute costume from The Office? Three words: hard working, alpha male, jackhammer...merciless...insatiable...