{Please Welcome} Guest Blogger Kristen Powell

I'm so happy to have Kristen Powell here as a guest blogger today! Kristen is a good friend of mine from high school and she shares my love for cooking and baking. She's brought not one but TWO fabulous recipes with her today that look soooo good! (That dessert has my name written all over it!) Enjoy!

{If you're interested in being a guest blogger, e-mail me at cupcakediaries1@hotmail.com.}

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Hello, everyone! I'm so exited to be blogging today on Cupcake Diaries! Even though I LOVE to cook and bake and after being married for 4 years and having an (almost) 18 month old, you would think that I'd be on top of planning meals and making sure dinner is on the table at a certain time, right? WRONG! I'm the worst when it comes to that, but since I've started stalking...err...I mean following Cupcake Diaries, I've been more excited about planning easy yet delicious recipes that aren't the same ones I've been using over and over! :)

A little about me: My name is Kristen, I'm married to one hunk of a man, and we have an adorable little girl! Like I said earlier, we've been married just over four years and we live in Boise, Idaho. The hubby attends Boise State and I stay at home with the babe! Hubby is applying to dental school and even though we'll be sad to leave our families, we are excited for a new adventure together!

A little more about me:
  • Hometown: Idaho Falls, Idaho
  • Favorite TV shows and movies: Lost, Arrested Development, 30 Rock, Parenthood, Tangled Pride and Prejudice...just to name a few!
  • Favorite ingredients to work with: Chocolate chips and garlic! Definitely not together though! :)
  • Something I can't live without: My rice maker, Paul Mitchel's Skinny Serum (without it I'd be a walking frizz ball), and comfy pants. Sorry, that's more than one! :)
  • Favorite blogs: Nienie Dialogues, Cupcake Diaries, Or So She Says
  • Favorite room in my house and why: My living room. I love it for two reasons. 1) I love the view out of the sliding door. I may live in an apartment, but I love the view of the green grass right off my patio and the quaking aspens behind an old wood fence. On a gloomy rainy day like today it's especially appealing! Even E loves looking out the "didow" (window) at the squirrels! 2) It flows with the dining room and kitchen. It makes it open and inviting!
  • Favorite vacation I've been on: We love going to St. George, Utah! It's close to Zions National Park, Las Vegas, and a lot of historical sites of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • My typical day: It's pretty boring so I won't give you the play by play! But I love staying at home with my little girl and helping her to learn and grow. Throw in a few walks, fun drives, meals, and quality time with Hubby once E goes to bed!
  • Something I want to learn to do: Photography! Not as a profession but as something to have fun with. I love nature and the beauty of the seasons and I want to learn how to use a camera to capture all of it! And of course take cute pictures of my girl!
  • My guilty pleasure: Oreos and a large glass of milk. Mmmmmm!
  • How I like to relax: Riding shotgun with the windows down through the mountains with Hubby at the wheel and E jibberjabbering in the back seat.
  • Three more things I can't live without: Beauty Rush lip balm from Victoria's Secret, body lotion because I hate dry skin, and most importantly my husband and baby!

The dish I've chosen to feature today is one of my favorites from my mom. When I make this dish, it takes me back to when I was young and coming home from school on a wintery day. I could smell it baking in the oven when I walked in the door! It's so warm and comforting, and perfect for this chilly fall weather! And to top it off, it's super easy to make!

Chicken and Stuffing Casserole

You will need:
  • 4 chicken breasts, trimmed and cut in half
  • 1 can cream of chicken soup
  • 1 c. sour cream
  • 8 Swiss cheese slices (One for each piece of chicken. I use pepper jack for extra oomph!)
  • 1 box Stove Top stuffing

Begin by preparing the stuffing according to the directions on the box. Then place the chicken breasts in a greased 9x13 baking dish. Mix the soup and sour cream together and spread over the chicken.

Put a slice of cheese over each chicken breast. Then spread the stuffing over the chicken, sauce, and cheese. Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees.
Just add your favorite veggie as a side dish and you've got yourself an extremely delicious meal!

Now for dessert! This is another favorite of mine. But I have to be honest, I barely remember my mom making these. But one day my roommate made them using the recipe my mom gave me and I fell in love! These are so easy and quick to make. Twenty minutes tops!

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bars

You will need:
  • 1 box yellow cake mix
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 c. oil
  • 1/2 c. peanut butter
  • 1 c. chocolate chips

Mix all ingredients together. It will be a little crumbly, but that's normal.

Spread and press into a greased 9x13 pan and bake for 13-16 minutes at 350 degrees or until golden brown.

I told you! So easy! In no way, shape, or form are these healthy for you. But that's what fall and winter eating is all about, right? Thanks again, Alli, for letting me be a guest blogger today! I hope you all enjoy! Happy baking! :)

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