When I saw this story, my heart melted. Maybe you already know about it, but if not, because we're so close to the crafting community, I thought I'd share it here.
Many blue penguins were caught in that recent oil spill off the coast of New Zealand and a yarn store called Skeinz has set up a rescue idea to knit sweaters for the affected penguins (who need to wear them so they don't ingest the oil when they preen themselves - until they are all cleaned). Apparantly sweaters have been arriving from all around the world and the good news is it seems they have enough at the moment. You can however keep tabs on the situation at their blog, The Yarn Kitchen. Such a heartwarming story and how adorable are those sweaters? (Wouldn't you just die if you saw one wearing one you had knit)? Here's the knitting instructions anyway, just in case you find a cold penguin in your local neighborhood (or maybe a small puppy):
Penguin Jumper in 8ply - Must be 100% Wool Yarn1 pair 3.25mm , 1 pair of 3.75mm needles , 1 set of 3.25mm dpn’s or circular
Cast on 36 stitches using 3.25 needles.K1, P1 to end of row. Repeat this row 7 times. Change to 3.75mm needles and K2, P2 rib. Work 4 rows increasing at each end of every row. (44 sts)
Continue until work measures 15 cms.
Decrease 1 st at each end of every row until 28 sts remain.
Decrease 1 st. in middle of next row (27 sts.)
Leave on needle.
Make second side the same.
Transfer the 54 sts from both pieces to 3 of the set of 4 3.25mm needles.(18 sts on each.) and work a round neck in K1 P1 rib for 10 rows.
Cast off.
Stitch up sides to decreasing to 27sts (opening for flipper). Add elastic to the top and bottom to prevent the penguins getting out of them. Top: 15cm of elastic; bottom 17 cm (knots allowed). Flat elastic OK.
(Via booooooom.com)
(Via booooooom.com)