The past few days I have been on a fabulous little vacation with my family - our last vacation of the summer.  We did a little shopping (OK - a LOT of shopping), a little sight-seeing, a little exploring, and a little dining.  I actually won this trip (which was so exciting because I NEVER win anything).  What was even more exciting about this trip was that my husband sweet-talked the tourist bureau, and they ended up giving us two adjoining rooms for our trip - so the five of us weren't crammed into one little hotel room.  What a TREAT!  Here we are in front of the rock wall at the science museum we visited.  The kids really liked this part, and my two oldest took a very active role in the underground mining tour we went on - so fun to watch!

Anyhow, when I returned home today, I found that my little ole blog had been nominated a Top 10 blog!  What a fantastic surprise!  Thank-you SO much to Thinking Out Loud, Vintage Teacher, Corner on Character and Jasztalville!  What a great home-coming - I was so excited to read your positive comments that I completely forgot to unpack the suitcases that are still sitting in the hall ... ummmmm ... ok, I didn't really forget - but if my husband mentions the suitcases, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;)

Top 10 TBA 
 So here are my Top 10.  Some have already been nominated for Top 10 awards, but I thought I'd still include them - they are MY Top 10, they make me a better teacher, and I look forward to reading new posts from every single one of them.

Meet The Dubiens.  This was the very first blog I ever followed.  It is my sister's blog and it is filled with fantastic ideas for crafts, recipes, and fun food Fridays.  She is my go-to-girl for ideas to do with my own kids, and I think her blog is FANTASTIC! 

6th Grade Reading Street Resources.  I love how Shannon gives a daily in depth look into her classroom.  As a fellow 6th grade teacher, I find her site so inspiring!  She shares, shares, SHARES!  The amount of resources on her blog is AMAZING!  

Minds in Bloom.  Minds in Bloom full of teaching ideas and freebies for the junior / intermediate classroom.  She also has a FABULOUS facebook page where she is constantly sharing her ideas and resources.  

The Corner on Character.  Barbara's blog is so inspiring!  I just get such a GOOD FEELING every time I read one of her posts.  

 Vintage Teacher.  I don't know Pam personally, but I feel like I do!  I LOVE all of her ideas, and I am always finding something new on her blog.  You've got to check out her Five Friday Freebies - she always has something for everyone.

BWS tips button
Jasztalville:  Where Inquiry and Creativity Rules.  Yup - I think that says it all - creativity and inquiry RULE at this blog.  Absolutely AWESOME!

Blog button

Jack of All Trades.  Another one of my go-to blogs for hands-on and creative ideas.  Leslie is always sharing what works so well for her in her classroom, and I can't wait to use some of her ideas in my classroom when school starts up again.

Go Figure!  Scipi has a way of explaining the most abstract math concepts in terms anyone can understand.  Using her ideas, you will be able to differentiate your math lessons so that all your learners can master even the most difficult of concepts.

Thinking of Teaching.  This blog has EVERYTHING!  I love her creative ideas, classroom photos, shared resources, and the fact that she also has that crazy 'u' in words like colour, honour, favourite ... yup, a fellow Canadian!

Oh' Boy Fourth Grade.  Farley has the most amazing VOICE in her blog posts!  Reading her blog always makes me laugh and leaves a smile on my face.  And the resources she shares are just sooooo creative - LOVE that scrapbook style!

Any blogger can give this award to those that make you smile!

1. Just write a blog post proudly displaying your Top 10. Make sure that they do not already have an award.  (OK - so I broke this rule)...
2. Contact these bloggers by leaving them a comment with 2 links- a link to your blog's Top 10 post AND this post's link-  so they can grab the fantastic award button below.

If you have been nominated by a fellow blogger, please grab your award below and enjoy posting it proudly on your fantastic, award-winning blog!
1. Remember to thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Award 10 favorite or recently discovered great teaching blogs and mention why you've chosen them! Make sure they do not already have an award.
3. Contact these bloggers by leaving them a comment with a link to your blog's Top 10 post link AND don't forget to tell them about this fantastic award button in this TBA post link - - Have fun affirming one another! 

Whew!  That took a lot longer than I had planned.  And it was soooooo hard to pick just 10!  My exciting news doesn't end here, though.  Karla, from Life in Special Education, has given me a Versatile Blogger Award.  You'll have to check back tomorrow evening for my post on that.  I must spend an extremely long time at school tomorrow ... wish me luck!

Happy Saturday (almost Sunday)!


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