Buying myself flowers is one of the only things I do for myself every week, unless you count cups of coffee, plucking my eyebrows and bathroom breaks—and when the kids were little, let me tell you, I even appreciated bathroom breaks. The flowers are my treat during weeks crammed with work, chores, kid activities, going to therapy and doctor appointments for Max, scheduling therapy and doctor appointments for Max, rescheduling therapy and doctor appointments for Max (see a pattern here?).
Growing up, my mother always told my dad not to buy her flowers for their anniversary and other occasions. "They're a waste of money," she'd say, ever so sensible. For sure, that $3.99 could be going to lots of other things. When I do the math on what it costs a year, $200-plus on flowers seems kinda ridiculous.
But it makes me genuinely happy to walk into our back door and be greeted by flowers on the kitchen table. When I'm sitting there at night, in a stupor after a long day, the sight of them perks me up.
How about you—what sort of weekly treats are non-negotiable? And you are not allowed to say "showering."