Little Accomplishments

Spent another day in the classroom.  Well, actually it was just part of a day, but I brought my husband so I figured if both of us worked for half a day, that's the same as a full day, right?  We got a bit more accomplished today, but not nearly as much as I had hoped.  So, it's back to the classroom ALL day tomorrow ... sigh.

This is what my math cupboard and bulletin board looked like before I started the makeover ...

And this is after.  I painted the shelf, bought new baskets, and redid the bulletin board.  Much better!

We also got all of the desks set up, a new banner hung, my tissue paper pom poms hung, my computer and ELMO hooked back up (and the mess of cords organized), my work table set up, and a bit of decorating done.  Oh, and most importantly (I thought), my new coffee maker set up!  This made the day much more bearable ... and makes me almost look forward to going in tomorrow ... almost.

This was before.  View from the door.  This angle makes my classroom look so much larger than it actually it is.

And this is after.  A bit more done, but soooooo much more to do tomorrow.

Check back in tomorrow - I'll be posting the pics of my completed classroom.  And it will be completed - I don't have a choice ... it's back to school on Tuesday!

Happy Sunday!

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