I wanted to share a GREAT resource with you tonight. I bought this book near the end of last year, and thought it would be so fun to use this year.
Hot Fudge Monday is a HIT in my class! In fact, one of my students (who is difficult to engage on the best of days) remarked, "Where did you get this book? It's hilarious!". Well, if that doesn't SCREAM hit, I don't know what does. The book covers the teaching of parts of speech (verbs, nouns, prepositions, adjectives, conjunctions, pronouns, interjections, and adverbs), and does so with a funny twist. Students learn about the various parts of speech through short writing activities that are interesting, humorous, and a bit off beat. We just finished the chapter on verbs in my classroom. My students' favourite activity was a short writing piece where they had to describe what happened at the Institute for Disturbed Livestock when a food fight broke out in the swine development center. Not only are my students learning about word choice and parts of speech, they are so eager to share their short stories when the time is up. It's one of my favourite times of the day!!!

Of course, when teaching new concepts, you create new anchor charts. This is one we created during our verb unit, and we kept adding to it as we studied new verbs (this picture was taken near the beginning of the unit). We were really focusing on choosing "Million Dollar Verbs" and tied this learning into our
Personal Memoirs unit.

So, what do you do with all your anchor charts after you're finished with them? Mine are rolled up in a cupboard ... and are usually never pulled out again. It would take me as long to find one, as it would to recreate a new one. Until now ... I found THE BEST idea on Pinterest last night, and followed it back to a new blog I'm excited to follow. You've got to check out
Teaching My Friends! I can't wait to get started on this storage idea. So simple, yet so genius!!!
Happy Tuesday!