Welcome to the
Cyber Search Showcase
on Teaching Resources!
Download over $85 worth of materials for free!
Monday, August 8th only!
It's not "cyber Monday" yet, but you can take a peek now!
Let's get started looking for those freebies ....
- Visit each blog or website below and you'll find one featured item that's valued between $3.00 and $10.00. You'll see a link to the TeachersPayTeachers.com store where you COULD buy this item, but you won't have to because it will be absolutely free to download from their website on Monday, August 8th!
- For now, l
ook for the blue Cyber Search buddy button on each blog or website to help you find the the Cyber Search Showcase page. Then take a look around and check out the great teaching resources you'll find there. These bloggers have great teaching strategies, tips, and free items in addition to the items they sell on TeachersPayTeachers.
- Then choose another website on the list and hop over there to check things out. Bookmark any pages you like so you can come back and check them out later!
- On Monday, return to this page to start your Cyber Search for over $85 worth of teaching materials created just for Grade 3 - 5 teachers! Download and save each file before moving on to the next site. If you like the freebie, you may want to follow the seller on TpT or Facebook so you'll know when they create more great stuff!
Visit These Websites To Continue Your Cyber Search!
(Note: a few sites haven't set up their pages yet - so don't worry if you don't see the cybersearch button - it will be coming soon).
- Laura Candler Teaching Resources
- Tracey Graham Smart Chick Teacher
- Lisa Frase Effective Teaching Articles
- Rachel Lynette Minds in Bloom
- Ashleigh Education Journey
- Charity Preston The Organized Classroom Blog
- Jennifer Runde Runde's Room
- Wise Guys Teaching Activities, Lesson Plans, and Units
- Karla Banks Life in Special Education
- Heather Kaiser The Teched Out Teacher
- Rosshalde Pak Education Shortlist
- PowerPoint Maniac PowerPoint Maniac's Teaching Resources
- Nyla Phillips-Martin Nyla's Crafty Teaching
Free Bonus Files Hosted on Laura Candler's Teaching Resources:
Margaret Whisnant's There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom Short Answer Questions
Ruth S's Chocolate Fever Student Worksheets