Thank-you to everyone who has left comments this week - your comments totally brighten my day!
OK - day 5 ... here goes ...
Here is my pinspiration for today's craft. Isn't it absolutely beautiful?!? There's just something so timeless about it ... LOVE IT! This is from Cheeky Magpie - and complete detailed instructions are given on the site. They're written much better than I would've written them, so I won't even try.
Today's craft required absolutely no special materials - and cost me nothing to make! YAY! It did however, take some time to complete ... namely cutting all the pages, and then waiting for everything to dry. I actually left it out to dry overnight, then finished it this morning. The only things I did differently from the instructions given on Cheeky Magpie were that I used diluted red food colouring for the pages, and I used a glue gun for any gluing. It actually turned out a lot better than I thought it would. I was getting worried when I was cutting the pages, because my exacto knife wasn't that sharp, and it was starting to look a little rough. It turned out pretty well in the end, though. I'm going to put it on my side table in my reading nook in the classroom. I know it doesn't fit my turquoise theme, but a turquoise apple would just be ...wrong.
I have another confession today ... (these crafts are good cleansing for the soul). When I was looking through my bookshelves for a book that wouldn't break my heart to cut up, I found an old copy of Who Has Seen The Wind. (I'm sorry if anyone is a fan out there, but I just couldn't get through this one.) When I opened it up to cut off the cover, I noticed that it still had my highschool stamp and name sticker. I must have committed the crime that drives me so crazy in my classroom now. I "stole" the book. So, to my grade 9 English teacher, I'm sorry I kept the book. I don't know why I kept the book. But I'm glad I kept the book ... I like it MUCH BETTER now! ;)
Happy Friday!!! (And be sure to check out my 500 Followers Friday Freebie in the post below).