I've been wanting to make these crate stools for 6 weeks - that's when I first pinned this one from What the Teacher Wants. She has fabulous (and entertaining) how-to instructions for making these crates.
I put off making them for a bit because I didn't think I'd have anywhere to put them in the classroom. My classroom is very small and I don't even have a guided reading table. (I do however, have the lunch room just outside my classroom which is full of tables and chairs I take advantage of ALL the time!). And then I had a brainstorm ... or at least excuse to make them. My students LOVE my classroom library, but I know they don't LOVE sitting on the floor while looking through the book choices. I thought I could make the crate stools and keep them in front of the bookshelves. And I can definitely use the extra storage - I can see them full of recycled newspapers, old magazines, sports equipment ...
I got the crates from Staples, and the fabric and foam from Walmart - I already had everything else, including piles of wood in my basement. I've had the supplies for over a week ... but it's taken a week of
Anyhow, long story short ... they're done and they're FABULOUS! The colours fit my new theme PERFECTLY ... Yay!
Happy Wednesday!!!