To celebrate the event my totally awesome twin threw a Harry Potter party at her house. It was so cool and fun! We had all types of fun treats from the series and enjoyed some trivia as well. But first we all were sorted into houses for the tournament. I was put in Ravenclaw for my smarty brains and creativity. Or so I was told! Not sure if I believe it. And yes, my team totally won the trivia game. We missed one question. I'm still kicking myself for that one.
So you want to have a Potter party of your own? Great! Here are a few ideas to get that treat table at the party started. Have fun!
First of all, it wouldn't be a Harry Potter party without the proper attire:

Amber (the twin) went with the Gryffindor t-shirt and I decided to show my true colors with a "Muggle" t-shirt. No use hiding my identity!

Treat #1: Licorice Wands

- your favorite kind of licorice
- some almond bark
- a vase or something to display them
- sprinkles, for show
Heat about 3 squares of chocolate in a 2-cup glass measuring cup for 30 seconds, then stir. (I ended up using 3 oz of white and 3 oz of milk chocolate to make 40 wands.) Place the chocolate back in the microwave for another 30 seconds and stir again. If the chocolate hasn't melted quite yet put it in for another 10 seconds. When the chocolate is creamy, dip the licorice in about a third of the way (or how far you want to dip it) and place on wax paper. Sprinkle with different sprinkles if you'd like. The chocolate takes about an hour to cool completely. I wrapped a gold ribbon around each vase. The bottoms are filled with chocolate chips to make it easier to grab the licorice.
Treat #2: Cauldron Cakes

Treat #3: Butterbeer

Treat #4: Pumpkin Juice
Treat #5: Acid Pops

Treat #6: Chocolate Frogs

Fill the mold up with your favorite melted chocolate and allow to cool completely.
Treat #7: Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans