A Collection a Day Book Summer Blog Tour + Giveaway!

Lisa Congdon's book, A Collection a Day launched this spring and as I mentioned last week in a post, publisher UPPERCASE is holding a mini summer blog tour for the book.  The book which I wrote about here and I'm sure in a few other posts this past year is a daily documentation of arrangements of Lisa's collected items she photographed (and some imagined and illustrated) everyday for one year last year.  The book comes in a fun tin too - perfect for holding your own collection.

Fun fact:  Check our collecting tag here which started back in 2008 where we featured Lisa's collections among with many other online artists' amazing collections!  It's a treasure trove if you like that kind of thing. (Be sure to go all the way back to 2008)!

And hey, we somehow managed to fandangle a copy of the book to giveaway here on the blog!  (Thanks Janine) - so one of you will be winning it!  Just leave a comment here at this post with a link to your favourite collections online.  Maybe it's at one of Lisa's or my posts here or maybe it's one of your own, or a friends, we'd love to see!  We'll announce a winner come Friday, July 29th/11!  (The giveaway will run till 9pm Thursday, July 28/11 )!  Good Luck!

In the meantime, check out the blog tour (check here for dates) if you will or buy the book,  it's a collector's item in itself!

Update:  It was a tough one to try and pick a winner for this.  At first I thought I would pick one that had a great link to a collecting post, and then it became really difficult after that (did you see all the great links)?.  So then I thought I'll do the random generator thing.  And funny - it picked the very last commenter - No. 38!  So congrats to Melanie of Inward Facing Girl.  And what's rather serendipitous is that she collects art books.  So really how fitting!  

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