Ten Things About Me ...
1. I married my high school sweetheart – we’ve been together for 19 years and married for 9 (as of yesterday).
2. Our third little girl was a “surprise!” We found out I was pregnant about 1 hour AFTER my husband was … “fixed”.
3. I danced from the age of 3 until I was 17. LOVED IT! During that time I had the opportunity to travel all around the world. The highlight had to be dancing in Spain during World Expo ’92.
4. I used to have an aversion to dollar stores. Think it started when I worked at one for a year in high school (something about that smell). I didn’t step in another until at least my 3rdyear teaching … needless to say, things have changed and I’m now completely addicted!
5. I got my first teaching job right out of teacher’s college – (only supply taught for a grand total of 3 ½ days). Ten years later, I’m still teaching at that first school (though I have changed grades).
6. I keep a very neat and organized classroom – EXCEPT for a huge pile of books and papers that stack up on the shelf behind my desk – I clean it … really, I do – but I think it has a mind of its own.
7. I do not keep a neat and organized house – again, I clean it … really, I do – but my three children seem to have a mind of their own.
8. I hoard books. All kinds of books. It's my dream to have a library in house one day, and as soon as one of my girls moves out, I'm totally going to have one. For now, I have piles stacked all around the house (see #7).
8. I hoard books. All kinds of books. It's my dream to have a library in house one day, and as soon as one of my girls moves out, I'm totally going to have one. For now, I have piles stacked all around the house (see #7).
9. I’m a total night owl – I usually go to bed around 2:00 am. And I LOVE sleeping in – if I didn’t have a job … or children … I’d totally sleep until noon every day.
10. I’m completely addicted to coffee – probably due to #9. My current favourite purchase has to be my Keurig machine. French vanilla coffee (with a splash of Bailey’s) … heaven! Okay, so the splash of Bailey’s is a night time treat, and not part of my morning coffee routine … but some days I wish it was.
Well, that's about it ... that was kind of fun! Thanks, Mrs. Owens!