I was inspired by all the fantastic blogs I follow to create my own blog. At first I was worried I wouldn't have enough time with three little ones at home, working full time, soccer games, dance classes, the list goes on. But like everything else, we find the time ... and I've been LOVING the whole blog experience. I thank-you for your interest, your kind and inspiring comments, and all of your great ideas. You guys are FANTASTIC!
First, I'd like to share my reading comprehension bookmarks with you. This is a collection of 9 bookmarks for different comprehension strategies. I laminate them and give them to my students as we study each strategy. My students keep them in their independent reading novels, and use the sentence starters when writing a reading response. They also use the sentence starters to ask their partners questions when we do a pair/share. After I conference with a student, I have them write their current reading goal on the back of the bookmark with an erasable overhead marker. If their goal changes while we are still studying the same strategy, they can erase the current goal and write a new one. My students have really enjoyed these bookmarks this year and look forward to starting a new strategy to get a new bookmark. This file is normally one of my priced products at my TpT store, but as a thank-you to you, it will be FREE until Monday at midnight. Click here to download your own copy. Enjoy!!!

• Asking Questions
• Determining Importance
• Inferring
• Making Connections
• Summarizing
• Synthesizing
• Visualizing
Each strategy section contains 3 colorful posters, strategy bookmarks, a full page of class activity ideas, a full page of reading response prompts and questions, 12 – 15 graphic organizers, and an assessment rubric. Some strategy sections also include anchor chart ideas and activity handouts.
To have a chance to win this resource, be a follower (current or new) and leave a comment below telling me your favourite tried-and-true activity or book you use while studying one of the comprehension strategies. I'll choose (randomly) one winner from the comments on Thursday, June 30th. A perfect way to celebrate my last day of school!!!