Some of you may recall that I am a paper planner kind of girl: I like being able to flip through my life, at a glance. If you are that girl, too, then you'll dig the new Desktop Planners from momAgenda, which run from August 2011 through December 2012—17 months of organization. Plus pages for things like fave websites LOVE THAT MAX LOVE THAT MAX LOVE THAT MAX and vacation planning. There's also a momEssentials pamphlet for recording key family info like birthdays and passwords. It's 7"x9"x1", compact yet full o' planning.
I'm giving away two momAgenda desktop planners. You can pick from one of five colors, and personalize it (estimated value, $48). By all means, have your cover read "Goddess."
To enter, leave a comment about a key way you stay organized. Me: I make lists, lots of lists, and stick them in my planner. The mere act of writing them makes me feel like I've got it together, even if I so don't. I also have a NOT-to-do list, which includes things like "Don't obsess over clutter" and "Stop getting sucked into the web and read a book." It reminds me to chill. Sad but true: I need to remind myself to chill.
Bonus entries:
• Follow Love That Max on Twitter
• Like Love That Max on Facebook
• Mention this giveaway (or Easy Week) in your blog and share the link
• Tweet about this giveaway (one a day). Here's a tweet: Win a $48 desktop planner from @LoveThatMax and @momAgenda, ends 5/11,
• Swing by and organize my closets. Kid-ding!
This giveaway is open until Wednesday, May 11 at 11:59 EST. I will randomly pick one winner, alert you by email and announce it here. If you do not respond within 7 days, I will choose another winner.
Note, you must leave your email below if it is not visible on your blog or site.
Good luck! Tomorrow: more great Easy Week giveaways.
Update: The winners are Melissa and kitten. Happy organizing!
Good luck! Tomorrow: more great Easy Week giveaways.
Update: The winners are Melissa and kitten. Happy organizing!