Our Mini Vegetable Patch

This past friday after a zip in to see the new Vancouver Anthropologie, Janis of Pinecone Camp and Kate of Tiny Warbler and I hopped over to Main Street for a mini shopping/coffee trip when we ran into that amazing dollar store, Welk's. We were attracted by all the potting plants outside and then eventually inside. I happened upon this great fabric vegetable planter for seriously cheap ($12) which holds 33 gallons (120 litres) of compost - and so pretty soon after I was picking up seeds and a bean plant all the while being coached by Janis on the how-to. I really haven't planted any type of seed as an adult, so the whole thing is a bit foreign to me. But with Janis' coaxing, this weekend we planted some lettuce, carrots, radish and green beans. We're excited to see it grow, and I've been finding myself checking it each time I'm near the back. Wish us luck!

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