Bump up Summer: Vanilla Roasted Berries

By Jeannette Ordas of Everybody likes Sandwiches

It's still not berry season here in Vancouver yet but I'm waiting patiently. But I'm not that patient...we're talking strawberries here, after all! Luckily, I still have a cache of frozen berries left over from the u-pick farm frenzy I was in last summer and I decided I'd take up the minor challenge of roasting the berries with vanilla sugar and a touch of balsamic vinegar. It seems like an odd combo until you actually try it. Slowly roasting the berries really seems to concentrate and enhance their flavour and the vinegar does the same.

Most recipes call for using fresh strawberries - or ones slightly past their prime, but I tried this with my frozen strawberries and added some frozen blackberries to the mix. It was a good move. I only roasted my berries for 20 minutes because I wanted them really juicy with lots of delicious sauce. However, if you cook them a bit longer, the liquid turns into more of a jammy consistency.

I'm not keen on adding a lot of sugar, so if you like things sweet - up the sugar to 1/4 cup or so.

Vanilla Roasted Berries
(adapted from Ina Garten)
1 pint blackberries
1 pint strawberries
3 tablespoons vanilla sugar (or more if you like things sweet)
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

Preheat oven to 350F. Place berries evenly on a parchment paper-covered cookie sheet. Sprinkle with vanilla sugar, salt and pepper and balsamic vinegar. Roast in the oven for 20 minutes. Cool slightly until the juices thicken, about 5 minutes. Serve warm over ice cream, yogurt or whatever your heart desires.


Vancouverite, foodie, crafty, freelance designer, Jeannette Ordas from the popular food blog, Everybody Likes Sandwiches joins us every Wednesday enticing us with her hearty and simple recipes!

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