Word Wall Makeover

It’s Spring cleaning time in my classroom and I started with my Word Wall. Lately, I’ve been talking a lot about Word Walls with other junior/intermediate teachers in my area. I was afraid my Word Wall was becoming stagnant. Sure, I diligently added my alphabetized words as they came up during lessons and discussions, but the students didn’t seem engaged anymore. And what’s worse, they weren’t using it anymore. The same spelling mistakes kept popping up in their work even though the words were posted on the wall.

Some of the teachers in my division had begun to abandon their Word Walls – arguing the valuable wall space could be put to better use. I didn’t want to give up just yet. Another teacher and I decided to change the format of our Word Walls – giving them a “makeover” to hopefully renew the students’ interest. I stripped my old word wall down, removing the alphabetized squares, and started fresh. I decided to organize my words into three columns: Confusing Words, Contractions, and Commonly Misspelled Words. My words are written on colourful polka-dots, which really make my Word Wall “pop”! I finished setting up my new Word Wall today and was very impressed with the final product. The students loved the updated look and I even had one student bring her sister to our classroom at the end of the day to show off our new Word Wall. We’re off to a good start!

My Word Wall words are posted in two separate products: Grammar Dots has over 24 polka-dots for confusing words and contractions, and Grammar Dots 2 has over 50 commonly misspelled words. Check them out by clicking on the links below.

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