Hula Seventy: Lodekka!

Contributor post by Hula Seventy

only in portland

Double Decker Vintage Dress Shop? In my fair city of Portland, Oregon? Yes please! I first visited Lodekka back in early January and friends, it is as awesome as you might think. And the owner, Erin Sutherland, was incredibly sweet and personable. We talked for a bit while I shopped for vintage goodies and I was delighted to learn how Lodekka came about. After losing her job back in April of 2010, Erin threw herself wholeheartedly into opening a vintage shop. When the opportunity came along to purchase an old 1965 double decker bus, she jumped on it. Thus, the birth of Lodekka-- Portland's only Double Decker Dress Shop. (You can read more details about her experience here). Of course, I have a few personal photographs from that first visit to share with you today:

top floor

vintage pretties o plenty

first floor

on the way down

aprons and slips and skirts and such

oregon beauty



oh, portland

Everything from vintage clothing and sparkly purses to old maps, sewing patterns, brownie cameras and record albums can be found in the comfortably packed double decker (and the prices are good too). So, should you find yourself in Portland, Oregon, get thee to Lodekka. It's a vintage shopping experience like no other.

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