Guest Post by Cori Kindred: Buying Vintage
cori kindred here, back to talk about one of my favorite things: thrifting. after the holidays i get slightly overwhelmed by all of the obligatory materialism and tend to gravitate towards purchasing more second-hand things, due to two reasons: the huge difference in quality and the environmental aspects and wastefulness of our current disposable society. i cringe when i see a house full of ikea when there are amazing, unique vintage pieces to be found for a comparable price that will far outlast big box products. plus, it's such a rush when you find that one thing ~ something you've never seen before and just have to take home with you. and it can be so inexpensive! my favorite kind of treasure hunt.
i don't pretend to be any kind of expert, but i have discovered a few things in my many years of buying second hand:
~ don't get so overwhelmed by excitement that you forget to do a thorough quality check. i once brought home what i thought was the perfect bookshelf just to discover that it reeked of cigarette smoke. make sure to test the structure, look for stains and try out all the moving parts.
~ if it needs repairs be realistic - is it something you'll actually get fixed? even something dirt cheap is a waste of money, energy and space if it's just going to be buried in a closet until you eventually throw it out.
~ on the other hand, if it's something you can't see going home without (and it's not going to break the bank) then you should probably go for it. i put these things in my basket until i'm done shopping then see if i'm still as excited about it as i was when i first spotted it. if i'm going to be sad leaving it behind then i pretty much don't have a choice.
~ garage sales can be good, thrift stores are great, but estate sales are frequently the jackpot. they tend to run fridays through sundays and the last day is usually half off (great deals to be found!). bring cash and don't try to bargain on the first day of the sale - wait until the second day or come back when everything is half off.
~ the more useful the better. it's hard to have buyer's remorse when you actually use the item every day. a lovely blue mason jar collection can hold pastas and beans in your pantry. pretty flat sheets can be curtains when hung with cafe clips. they might need a few small repairs, but vintage cameras and typewriters can be more than just eye candy. plus your grandparents would be so proud!
~ only buy things you love. it took me a long time to learn this because it's hard to turn down a deal, but i'm so much happier with a house full of things i adore rather than just things i liked that were cheap.
happy new year, and happy thrifting!!
my vintage shop: mushroom & moss