What's your favorite winter sight?

Hello, all. Haaaaaaapy holidays! We're very merry, especially because we're in Vermont for the weekend. Dave's skiing, Sabrina's in ski school, Max is hanging at the hotel's kiddie program (he ordered me to leave him) and I am vegging out. Some of you may recall my adventure with skiing last year, and my very svelte left knee. I am too chicken to hit the slopes again this year, even though my ACL is only partially torn. "If you get into another accident, you could really mess it up," someone told me the other day, striking the fear of God into me. Can you spell w-u-s-s?

It's a long ride here from where we live, a good seven hours, but I was the happiest passenger during the last couple of hours as we drove through Vermont. It's the icicles, frozen mid-cascade on the cliffs on the side of the road; they utterly and completely mesmerize me. I can never get enough of them.

"Will you please look at the beautiful icicles? Please?" I said, begging the kids to tear their eyes away from the DVD.

"ICE!" said Max.

"Wooooow," said Sabrina.

And then they went right back to the magical sight of Thomas the Tank.

Icicles in the mountains of Vermont are the prettiest of all, but even ice hanging off the side of our garage is beautiful to me, ice queen that I am.

What winter sight blisses you out?


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