National Special Needs Parent Day? No, thanks

Sometime this week, or in the near future, Congress will consider a resolution calling for the establishment of a national day to recognize parents of kids with special needs. The wonderful Barbara from TherExtras tweeted about this on Friday, and my blood pressure spiked the second I read it.

The comments on Disability Scoop were mostly of the puh-leeze variety. "How about a Human Being Day?" one person remarked. Some pointed out they'd prefer financial support rather than a day that celebrates what we do for our kids. One mom said it made her feel like people think her son is a "hardship" and she needs to be honored simply because he exists.

I agree with all that, and also think this would be a Not Good Thing because it would further segregate us as parents. I have enough of that already in my life—moms who pity me, moms who think I am totally not like them because I have one kid with a disability, moms who have known me since my son was born who quit having playdates with us.

This is not a woe-is-me reflection; I have plenty of friends who see me as being like any other mom. And I'd like to keep things that way. I have no desire to be held up on a pedestal for having a kid with disabilities. I'm just a mom who's doing the best she can. Besides, I already have a day honoring me: it's called Mother's Day, and it's enough.

Your thoughts?

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