On accepting differences, snorting pixie dust and my paparazzi problem

This is Sabrina at a princess-themed tea party she went to on Sunday. Every other girl there put on a princess get-up and a tiara, danced around to the music, ate pink-frosted cupcakes.

Sabrina wore a dirty Nike hoodie and sweatpants, refused to dance, didn't want a cupcake. She was perfectly content to sit next to her BFF and giggle and decorate a frame. The mother hosting the party kept asking if Sabrina was OK. A babysitter wanted to know if she was tired. A mom wondered if she was going to dress up at all; when I said "She's in her tomboy phase" the mom answered, "I'm sorry!" I said, "Actually, I'm fine with it." Then I blew some pixie dust in her face.

I get irritated when kids and adults single out Max for his differences. So much so, in fact, that I forget one basic truth: People have a hard time accepting any sort of differences in kids and adults. A 7-year-old who can't quite talk is going to come under scrutiny. Same goes for a little girl who stages a Belle boycott (and that little boy who dressed up as Daphne from Scooby Doo for Halloween—maybe one of those moms sent that lovely comment about my kids going costume-less?!).

I was proud of Sabrina for doing her own thing. I need to let the pride I have in Max override my concerns about how the world sees him. Easier said than done, but I think it'll help me to remember that it's not necessarily him—it's them. Perhaps snorting pixie dust would help, too.

In other news, Max continues to wheel his car wash around; we are going to have to hide that thing before the snow comes. He's newly hooked on Talking Tom Cat, a free app with a tabbie who echoes whatever sounds you make. It encourages Max to talk, and it's about the only pet we're capable of handling in our house right now.

Also, I did not run The New York City Marathon on Sunday but I did sleep until 10, which independent studies have shown is nearly just as beneficial to my health and sanity. Also, this blog made it onto Babble's list of Top 50 Mom Blogs. Avoiding the paparazzi has been tricky and the kids and Talking Tom Cat keep asking me for my autograph but still, I'm psyched. I'm in amazing company, and there are also great blogs cropping up on the "Nominate Your Favorite" list (I particularly adore #50, Teach Mama), so check them out.

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