Even better than a Vanity Fair photo shoot

Every fall, since Max was a year-and-a-half old, we've hired a photographer to come to the house and take pictures of our family. It is the best money we spend the entire year. I don't take half-bad photos, but then I see pro photos and, hel-lo! Beautiful. Also, I am the family photographer, so I never end up in pictures (mom job hazard). I also typically think I look like I have at least ten chins in photos (a being-me hazard).

This year, we tried a new photographer, Yasmeen Anderson. I'd read good things about her on a mom e-loop I'm part of. I was a little concerned about Max cooperating, though. He takes a great photo, but he is not good about being in photos. He gets antsy, he wanders away, he doesn't love doing shots with Sabrina.

Yasmeen went along with Max's mood, trailing around after him and making him laugh. She has amazing energy, she's fun, and she is extremely patient. She was great with Sabrina, too, who has a habit of smiling for photos like The Cheshire Cat. Alternately, she rolls her eyes back so she looks like she's possessed.

This time everyone behaved themselves, at least enough to get some stellar photos.

I would love to see great photos of your kids. If I did a photo carnival next Wednesday in which you post a fave photo of your kid with special needs on your blogs, would you join in?

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