And now, the iPad/Proloquo2Go videos you've been waiting for

Say that your kid got an iPad and the Proloquo2Go program. And say that for the first couple of months he was using it a lot to communicate and you were very psyched.

And then one day, your husband (not his real name) showed your kid how to watch car wash videos on YouTube. Just suppose.

And after that, your kid hardly ever wanted to use his iPad and Proloquo2Go at home for speech because he was completely obsessed with watching random cars going through random car washes. Who could have guessed that so many people would bother to tape this stuff? Worse, whenever possible, this kid's sister would beg to borrow the iPad and use it to play games. Sometimes, she would stuff the iPad under her shirt and sneak it into the car. Once, she attempted to bring it into the bathtub but was foiled by her wise (and beautiful) mother.

Say that this has been our family. And I am going nuts. In desperation, I asked Max's speech therapist at school to videotape him using the iPad and Proloquo2Go—since he gladly uses them there—so I can motivate him at home. It's typical: Max does stuff at school that he won't do for us.

This situation calls for drastic measures. I'm going to erase YouTube from the iPad, ban Sabrina from using it (trust me, the kid has plenty of video games to occupy her time) and prepare for a double meltdown.

Meanwhile, above is a video of Max navigating his way around the iPad during speech therapy in school, and here's one of him in class figuring out the date.

Me, I am off to finish Max's car wash costume and further enable his obsession.

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