Happy Labour Day (Long Weekend)!

Photo Credit: Janis Nicolay
It's a long weekend here in Canada (Labour Day) and we're really going to soak it all in and take a real weekend break. Hope to get a bit organized and prepared for "back to school" and all that it entails. So I leave you with a lovely photo Janis Nicolay took a bit back for one of her magazine shoots and posted on her blog this week. It looks like a great place to sit back and relax on a long weekend such as this. Fun Fact: I never knew this, but Janis tells us those happy yellow chairs are vintage 70's Solair chairs, which are designed and made in Canada. It's fun to see them being re-manufactured again. Anyway, here's wishing you all a fantastic long weekend! See you Tuesday! (Designed by Andrea Mclean).

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