Max likes to hear stuff over and over and over. It's his way of processing information, his neurologist once told us. I think it's also comforting to him. And perhaps, just perhaps, he has a secret plan to drive us wackadoo.
While there are plenty of times when I ask open-ended questions to encourage him to talk and communicate—q's like "Where do you want to go today, Max?" or "What do you want to eat, Max?"—he most enjoys conversations that are as scripted as comedy routines. Who knows, maybe someday we will take our show on the road, though we might need to work on our material.
Me: "Max loves purple!"
Me: "And you love spaghetti!"
Max: "ESSSSSS!!!"
Me: "And you want to go to the car wash soon!"
Max: "ESSSSSS!!!"
Me: "And you would like to eat spaghetti at the car wash!!!"
Max: "ESSSSSS!!!"
Me: "And you would like to go through the car wash TWICE!" (Something which Dave has actually done with him.)
Max: "ESSSSSS!!!"
Me: "Max likes going to the beach!"
Max: "ESSSSSS!!!"
Me: "And you would like to ride a plane to the beach!!!"
Max: "ESSSSSS!!!"
Me: "Max loves to sleep in his big boy bed!"
Max: "ESSSSSS!!!"
Me: "And you like to sleep with your purple pillow!!!"
Max: "ESSSSSS!!!"
Me: "And you like to brush your teeth!"
Me: "Mommy loves Max."
Max: "ESSSSSS!!!"
Me: "Daddy loves Max."
Max: "ESSSSSS!!!"
Me: "Sabrina loves Max."
Max: "ESSSSSS!!"
Do your kids do this? What sort of things do they love to hear again and again?