Sycamore Street Press: A Summer Bike Ride askan 12:36 PM Photo by Clumsy BirdContributor Post by Eva Jorgensen of Sycamore Street PressDon't these photos make you want to take a long, leisurely bike ride? Someone stole my bicycle a few years ago, and I still haven't replaced it. But as the weather warms up, I've been hankering for another.Related:National Stationery Show {Day 3}Photo by Steve BallantzPhoto by PorroRelated:National Stationery Show {Day 2}Photo by Troy AyalaRelated:National Stationery Show {Day 1}Photo by Max Cook via ReadysetDCRelated:New Contributer: Eva Jorgensen of Sycamore Street PressBasil Dundee Basket and WorkCycles Oma from Dutch Bike Co.Once I find the bike for me, I'll throw a little boombox in the basket with >a summery mix tape playing, and see where the road takes me.