I love summer drinks and the quicker to whip up, the better. Gimlets are usually made with gin or vodka, a bit squeeze of lime, and topped up with a bubbly club soda. I decided to switch things up a bit and try some sweet vermouth instead of going traditional and I was very happy with the results. The lime juice packs a nice wallop of sour while the sweetness of the vermouth acts as a lovely foil. Summer refreshment attained!
Vermouth is a strange bird. It's fortified wine flavoured with herbs and spices and available in dry and sweet versions. While the martini is the drink most associated with vermouth, it's also a great alcohol to use when cooking and makes a great substitute for white wine in many recipes. It seems old-fashioned but if you've ever made a Manhattan or a Rob Roy, you know that it's an invaluable staple for any bar. So give vermouth and this summer sipper a try!
Vermouth Gimlet
1 part freshly squeezed lime juice
1 part sweet white vermouth
club soda
slice of lime for garnish
In a tall glass, pour in lime juice, vermouth and add in lots of ice. Top with club soda and garnish with a slice of lime. Sip at your leisure.