Internet, you amaze me! Some highlights from today's amazing upload to our Summer Colours Week pool. Join us tomorrow for a Yellow Tuesday! Everyone can start to upload yellows after 6pm (Pacific) tonight!
Line No. 1. rogelaf; roll and tumblepress; cascata; jeannette ordas; shes crafty handmade; boo21smom
Line No. 2. jo bradford; saganaga; orange sparrow; treatzone; kate banazi; rachael ashe
Line No. 3. knitalatee11; l. grainne;; niccoco; l. grainne; leah giberson
Line No. 4. jo bradford; lili; this is my normal volume level; cozy memories; treatzone; e. bing
Line No. 5. jeannette ordas; jeannette ordas; illuminated perfume; a field journal; a field journal; knitalatte11