Sabrina graduated from pre-K yesterday, and I am still slightly traumatized. Will talk about it more on Monday once I stop bawling over my grown-up baby.
In other Friday news, Max got an iPad from his school, loaded with the communication app the Proloquo2Go. They're letting him trial it. The kids had a screaming fight over who got to use it (Sabrina seems to forget she can talk and Max can't really, or she doesn't care, or a little bit of both). Dave hasn't yet seen it, and being the gadget maniac that he is, he'll probably want to hog it too. Stay tuned.

I have another giveaway going on, which you may have missed: You could win a Sprout Safety First DVD in which fave characters like Bob the Builder and Thomas the Tank Engine teach kids about buckling up and wearing bicycle helmets and how not to maim each other when you're fighting over an iPad. OK, not that.
73 percent of kids recently polled by IKEA for its Playreport USA said they'd rather play with their parents than watch TV. Phew.

Honda is sponsoring an iDream Student Challenge for science and engineering students in the U.S., awarding prizes to those who propose the most innovative solutions and technologies. This team of grad students is coming up with a new gait trainer for kids with cerebral palsy. WHAT a worthy project; let's all vote for them!
Ever fantasize about creating a children's book? Here's your chance! Submit your story to the Bedtime Stories Project; one will be chosen and illustrated by artist Bill Nelson. Deadline: Midnight EST on June 30. I can so see Purple Car Wash Spaghetti Max as a children's story, can't you?! Hmmm....
Oh, and the voting for the Parents Connect award I'm up for is open till June 17. I could still use some votes, given that my mother is only allowed to vote once a day. But if you only have time to vote for one thing, please go vote for the students who are creating the gait trainer!
Got something interesting to share? Go right ahead! Have a glorious, ridiculously fun weekend.