The effects of the BP oil spill have been devastating, and with the continued crisis and looming hurricane season, we have decided to replace our upcoming online "On the Road" summer market at Poppytalk Handmade that will run Jul 5 - Jul 30/10 with an "Oil Spill Response Market". We are now accepting submissions for this market where we will be asking our participants to donate at least one item from their virtual table to the clean up efforts. We as hosts will be donating a percentage from each table rental (depending on participation). We will be donating the money to Oxfam America who has set up a special donatation page online where one can donate. Click here for more info on their program. It would also be nice if each item that is donated for the cause would have an ocean/nature theme to bring awareness to the cause. Please email us at poppytalkblog[at]yahoo[dot]ca with the words "Oil Spill Response Market" in the subject line before our deadline of June