via tubes.
Contributer post by Andrea of Hula Seventy
It's that time of year again. The one where I dream of epic summer road trips, the one where I dream of getting the heck out of dodge. These fantasies are further intensified by the fact that it does not feel like summer here in Portland, Oregon. Not at all, not even one little bit. It's cold and grey and rainy. Ten days into June and I'm still wearing tights and boots. And while I know summer is just around the corner, I can't help but wallow and daydream. I plan fake vacations and elaborate escapes. And I spend a lot of time dreaming of vintage trailers.

Snail Trail
When my friend Jenny Frecklewonder posted about Constance on twitter last week, I think maybe I died.

Fresher Than Fresh
Thing is, vintage trailers aren't just for road trips and camp outs anymore. Last year, I wrote about a 1957 vintage Shasta trailer-turned snow cone stand. Can you think of anything better? Well, can you?

Enjoy Cupcakes
Actually, the only thing better than a snow cone stand on wheels might be a traveling cupcake shop. I mean, really.

Haberdash Vintage
And a 1954 Bellwood Aloha trailer repurposed into a mobile vintage shop? Brilliant.

via Montana Camps and Cabins
Pretty sure this isn't the end of my vintage trailer kick. Pretty sure I'll be back next week with more.