Name: Jen Matlack of Daisychestnut
Your Brand: Daisy Chestnut
What you dreamed of making as a child: A garden and a family
What do you dream of now: Finishing my book.
Your motto: Stay present
Your hero: Anyone who shows kindness to others.
Your favorite song: Hmmmm ... this is too difficult to answer. So many songs move my heart and make me tingle!
Your favourite part of summer: Floating alone in a pool or lake, looking up at the sky.
Visit Daisy Chestnut at this month's market here!

Your Brand: REDSTAR ink.com
Your Blog: REDSTARink blog
What you dreamed of making as a child: children's books
What do you dream of now: making paper products...all the time!
Your motto: simple bold modern paper goods
Your hero: Charley Harper
Your favorite song: "Better Together" Jack Johnson
Your favourite part of summer: long days at the beach
Visit Redstar Ink at this month's market here!

Name: Tamar Schechner
Your Brand: Nest Pretty Things
Your Blog: www.nestdecorating.typepad.com
What you dreamed of making as a child: designing my own doll dresses
What do you dream of now: Growing and growing my business
Your motto: "Home is where the heart is"
Your hero: Gandhi
Your favorite song: "The story" by Brandi Carlile
Your favorite part of summer: All my children sleeping under the same roof
Visit Nest Pretty Things at this month's market here!

Name: Carla R
Your Brand: Ma Petite Famille
Your Blog: collectandfound.blogspot.com
What you dreamed of making as a child: books
What do you dream of now: traveling
Your motto: don't give up
Your hero: Richard Branson
Your favorite song: Fur Elise, Beethoven
Your favourite part of summer: swimming
Visit Ma Petite Famille at this month's market here