Your Brand: Daily Memorandum
Your Blog: dailymemorandum.com
What you dreamed of making as a child: Science experiments and candy houses
What do you dream of now: Gilded italianate frames and wooden spanish
writing chests
Your motto: Lest we forget
Your hero: Jacques Cousteau
Your favorite song: Lets go fly a kite!
Your favorite part of summer: City fountains
Visit Daily Memorandum at this month's market here!

Name: Ruby Press
Your Brand: rubypress.com
What you dreamed of making as a child: I just wanted to make things. Sowing, designing fashion, sculpting, building, paper mache, carefully decorating mud pies.
What do you dream of now: I have my dream job. I love designing, printing, tinkering with my presses, packaging, and running a home business.
Your motto: Keep it simple
Your hero: Today my letterpress hero is Chandler O'Leary at Anagram Press. Her Feminist Broadside Series is so inspiring! www.anagram-press.com
Your favorite song: Today my favorite song is Step Right Up by Tom Waits
Your favourite part of summer: Sitting with friends at the table in my backyard for dinner, drinks, and what not.
Visit Ruby Press at this month's market here!

Your Brand: http://www.etsy.com/shop/kikiandpolly.com
Your Blog: kikiandpolly.com/blog/
What you dreamed of making as a child: art
What do you dream of now: more art
Your motto: do what you fear
Your hero: my husband
Your favorite song: She Bangs The Drums by The Stone Roses
Your favourite part of summer: hammocks
Visit Kiki and Polly at this month's market here