Your Brand: pegandawl.com
Your Blog: theblackspotbooks.blogspot.com
What you dreamed of making as a child: Margaux: stuff. As a child I was always making stuff. i do not recall dreaming or anticipating a future, just making. Walter: My pops had a shop in our garage and as a child whenever I would think of something to make i would go out and make it. Scouring the multiple wood piles for neglected scraps I would make anything that came to mind. I loved history and would make whatever accompanied the period and culture I was studying. While studying the civil war I made swords and guns. During the medieval period I made chain mail out of paperclips and a wooden bow and arrow. One time I decided to wear a long robe and live like a monk with my brother and sister. We sang gregorian chants and grew herbs. It lasted alittle more than a week. When a project I was working on was complete I would come up with a new one.
What do you dream of now: Hmmm... ever-evolving. We would really like to make shoes. And build a treehouse. And a studio in the back yard. And a chicken coop! And more books. And our library. And eventually something bigger even... Walter: Now is much the same, I or my wife think of an idea, I go down in my work shop generate some saw dust and a few hours later return to the sun lit world with a new creation. Recently I have been dreaming of a workshop that has no narrow stairs, two huge doors that take the space of one of the walls and swing out, ceilings taller then 6' and a skylight!
Your motto: Margaux: hmmmmmmmmm... Walter: An unexamined life is not worth living
Your hero: Margaux: Indiana Jones Walter: Wow I don't think it gets much better than Indiana Jones
Your favorite song: Margaux: Peg and Awl by the Carolina Tarheels. Really there are hundreds, no single song and this is quite an appropriate one! Walter: hmmm, recently I have been loving "In This Shirt", by the Irrepressibles.
Your favourite part of summer: Margaux: Each summer is different! This year, I am going to anticipate our road trip to Nova Scotia as being my favourite part of the summer! Walter: I love being outside all the time, and walking at night after a hot day.
Visit Peg and Awl at this month's market here!