What's on your Lucky List?

I was really happy to hear, on yesterday's post, that a bunch of you have parents who pitch in with childcare. You're lucky. Dave and I happened to be talking about luck last night. The kids have been hanging outside a lot lately, and Dave mentioned how lucky we are that we live on a dead end street, where Max and Sabrina can play out of cars' way.

It got me thinking about luck. We are most definitely not lucky that we have a child who had a stroke at birth. It happens to 1 in 4000 kids. Max was that 1 in 4000. And yet, in other ways, we are very lucky about Max.

• We are lucky that Max is doing as well as he is, despite all the grim things doctors told us when he was born.
• We are lucky that Max has determination in him. Fierce determination to find ways to do things that are a struggle for him, anything from holding a spoon to riding a bike.
• We are lucky that we are able to afford therapies for him and get the insurance company to pay for others (and we are lucky I have a big mouth for battling insurance companies).
• We are lucky there is a good school in our area to send Max to.
• We are lucky that there are good therapists and doctors in our area, too.
• We are lucky that Max has a feisty little sister who can inspire him to do more (when she is not tormenting him).
• We are lucky Max is as cute as he is, because I think it makes people want to go the extra mile for him.

That felt really good to write. Think about it: It's not essentially lucky that any of us had kids with disabilities, is it? And yet, really, there is much luck surrounding them.

What's on your Lucky List about your child?

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