This week from Abbey Hendrickson: Art Books

books_post7Contributer post by Abbey Hendrickson

I'm sure, given my recent self-professed love for zines, it will come as no surprise that I'm also a sucker for big, shiny art books. There are a handful on our shelves that are packed full of bookmarks and that I return to time and time again, so I thought I'd share those with you today. Here they are in no particular order. Enjoy!

kilgallen_post7Margaret Kilgallen: In the Sweet Bye & Bye

cooper_post7Beyond the Line: The Art of Diana Cooper

hudson_post7hudson2_post7Save My Life: Cody Hudson

houser_post7Babel: Jim Houser

tangible2_post7and Tangible. What favorite books are on your shelves?

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