On the Radar: Grey

Marie Claire Idées -somethingfrenchblog

I've been loving everything grey lately - which is funny as I think I fought the colour initially when it first showed up so prominently (I'm one of those that still remembers the greys of the '90's); but as it usually goes, some colours I welcome faster than others, and usually the one's I fight I end up liking the best. Funny thing that, although I'm still not a teal lover. But at the moment I just can't get enough. This weekend I was at Ikea and they had a bedroom set up with their grey painted EDLAND line and with a greyish-white TUNDRA floor and mauve wall - the room really had a great feel to it. A fresh change from all the dark hardwood floors. I think I mostly like the grey furniture and then walls second (not both together though). I'm seriously thinking of painting our entry way and hall grey, we are thinking of going for a lighter wood floor (whitish-grey) and I love the grey wall idea in contrast. What are your favourite colors lately?

Marie Claire Idées -somethingfrenchblog
Marie Claire Idées -somethingfrenchblog
Marie Claire Idées -somethingfrenchblog
Marie Claire Maison - Mudrik
Marie Claire Maison - lilcourt
Marie Claire Maison - CathRobins
Picture 2Marie Claire Maison

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