Here's an action shot of Max and Sabrina trying on makeup at Sephora. Max went ga-ga for the purple shadow, Sabrina seemed to prefer charcoal, though maybe she's just a leeetle bit young to do the smoky eyes thing.
I used to dread taking the kids to the mall by myself. Max wasn't easy to control, Sabrina would inevitably run off, and I'd get stressed. The one place on earth where people go to aimlessly, brainlessly wander around used to fry me. I am so not that perfectly polished mom who strolls the mall with two kids serenely by her side. I am the frazzled mom who's yelling, "SABRINA COME BACK HERE!" as I struggle to hold onto Max, who only wants to go back to the car.
Last year, I took the kids out to eat sans Dave and overcame restaurantphobia. But mallphobia was a toughie.
Vanity helped me overcome it. This Sunday, I needed to get to Sephora—I am hopelessly addicted to Caudalie skincare stuff—and so I braved it. I also knew it would be a good thing for Max, per what the neurologist said at our last visit: Expose Max to as many new situations as possible. Who'd a thunk it—the mall. Educational.
You know how I was saying yesterday that once Max got past the wig-out stage of getting into Little League, he'd adjust and be OK? I guess I have the same issue, too. Because I was dreading the trip to the mall and fully prepared to get unraveled. Except it turned out to be a really fun trip.
They had a few fancy cars on display and the kids loved checking them out. And no, I did not give in and buy Max a Porsche Carrera.
Then we threw pennies in the fountain, like all the other sucker families.
Then Max dragged me into Abercrombie & Fitch and Brooks Brothers because he spotted purple shirts and I had to keep saying, "These are shirts for Daddy, not Max" although I was tempted to get him one and let him wear it as a nightgown, since as you all know he cross-dresses on occasion. And, yes, I guess I am encouraging him by letting him try on purple shadow and pretending to give him manicures at the nail salon, and I will have to see what the neuro says about that on our next visit, won't I.
Then we went to the Apple store, played computer games and checked out the iPad. I think I'm going to get Max one, along with the Proloquo2Go program for communication.
We had a blast.
And that's how I overcame my mallphobia.
What about you guys—have you had mallphobia? Any other public-space phobia?
Shout out to my sis, it's her birthday today. Max says, "Happy Ur-Ul [Purple] Birthday!" Sabrina wishes you well and would like to know if she's entitled to get presents. You know, to help you celebrate.