Edible Gardens

Picture 7Chris Spagnoli's kitchen garden, Photo Credit: Steven A. Gunther, Sunset Magazine

Every spring, I get the urge to plant a real edible garden. I think more and more, we all feel this way; knowing where our food is coming from, shrinking our eco footprint and well, there's just something about that. Knowing our food is safe, not affected by pesticides and that we grew it. Our neighbor offers us her zuchinni's, tomatoes and lettuce during the summer and another offers us their plums, but it just would be nice to have our own (if you know what I mean). So earlier this week I went looking for online sources, finding a wealth of info at Sunset Magazine. We don't have a backyard to grow a real garden in our townhouse but we do have space to build larger container gardens than we did before in the condo, but this article isn't just about us. We've found some good links for smaller container gardens too. How about you? Are you planning a garden this year? If so and you'd wish to share, (maybe some tips) just shoot me an email or leave a link in the comments, it would be fun to see! Here's a few related links:

No. 1 One pot vegetable garden
No. 2 Edibles in boxes
No. 3 21 best crops for your edible garden
No. 4 Your perfect tomato

Picture 6Spinach (three to four sixpacks) and 'Bull's Blood' beet greens (three sixpacks) fill a 4- by 4-foot bed., Rob D. Brodman, Sunset Magazine

Picture 5Sunburst squash and Early Girl tomatoes in big glazed pots (Photo Credit: Thomas J. Story), Sunset Magazine.

Picture 4'Early Girl ' tomato, 'Purple Ruffles' basil, garlic chives, and jalapeƱo chiles in a large galvanized planter. (Photo credit: Thomas J. Story), Sunset Magazine

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