Weekend Project: Bottle Painting = Vases

Picture 3Photo credit: Angus McRitchie (L'express Bistro) for Canadian House & Home
Ironically I came across the same project in two separate magazines this week, one from April's Canadian House & Home by Design Editor, Stephanie White and the other from the March issue of Australia's Real Living. The project is super easy and we can hardly wait to try it out. Perfect for a warm spring day out on the deck. The project instructions basically tells you to clean and dry the bottles (soak to remove labels) and then by pouring a dollop of paint into the bottle gradually rotate/swirl the paint inside until the paint coats the entire interior. Some may need two coats. Dry on a damp or plastic dropsheet. And voila!

Update: Watch a video how-to by Stephanie White on House and Home's TV.

A HUGE thank you to Elissa for a copy of Real Living!

IMG_2184project styling - marie nichols; writer - alex ward; photography - chris warnes; styling assistant - claire carroll for Real Living Magazine

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