It feels so good to have spring around the corner, (even though it's much colder here than it has been most of the winter), and we are pleased to bring you our newly launched monthly market today celebrating spring and everything hippity-hop at Poppytalk Handmade! From new blossoms to pussy willows, pretty lampshades and clocks, a bunny, a bird, a worm, why even a house! Click here to visit our latest springy participants!
New Market Today! Think Spring!
It feels so good to have spring around the corner, (even though it's much colder here than it has been most of the winter), and we are pleased to bring you our newly launched monthly market today celebrating spring and everything hippity-hop at Poppytalk Handmade! From new blossoms to pussy willows, pretty lampshades and clocks, a bunny, a bird, a worm, why even a house! Click here to visit our latest springy participants!