Today, I was looking through some old photos for a class project—Max's teacher is putting together a timeline of events in the kids' lives, to help them understand the passage of time—and I got all melancholy looking at Max's baby photos. I stared and stared at this one, and ached to go back in time and hold that chubster again. I did not appreciate Max's yumminess as much as I could have, because I was so caught up in my fears about his future. Would he walk? Would he talk? What would he be able to do?

I laughed when I saw this photo of Sabrina, at two and a half, because it is so hard to imagine she once let me dress her in getups like that. I obviously didn't worry about her the way I did about Max, but still, I feel like her toddlerhood passed all too quickly. I was caught up in a whirlwind of work and chores and a neverending to-do list.

I also found photos from our first trip to Disney Word two years ago. It is mind-boggling how much the kids have grown and changed since then.
As we head off tomorrow to Disney World for the second time, I am excited. For the fun, for the adventure, and because there is still plenty of cuteness left to savor.
I have some good stuff lined up for next week, including a really helpful (and moving) guest post by a mom who had to make some hard decisions planning for her son's future, a q & a with an inspiring twentysomething woman with cerebral palsy, and a roundup of great activities and printouts for kids I've recently found online. I tried to get Sabrina to do a guest post, but she refused, then told me to call her agent. George Clooney was also unavailable. Speaking of free, the winners of The Jimmies giveaway are Jennifer Thayer (DVD) and Mo and and Somer (CDs). I hope you and your kids enjoy!
Take care, everyone. And moms of little kids, promise me you'll try to worry less and savor your kids' cuteness more. Deal?