I recently learned about a mom of three, Brandy from Not So Average Mama, who is desperate to see a neurologist. She's been experiencing scary symptoms—stuttering, head jerks, pain—and cannot visit a doctor because she and her husband are self-employed with no medical coverage. Brandy's entered a slideshow of hers in an Intel contest where the winner gets $5000; here's the place where you can vote.
I get distressed when I hear these kinds of stories; our country sure can make it hell-ish to get insurance coverage, and I'm eager to see what happens with health care reform in the upcoming months. I feel lucky that we have good insurance. I'm also glad that I have a big mouth when it comes to getting things for Max, as it's come in handy for fighting the insurance company to pay for his therapies. I ended up in a deadlock with them over occupational therapy, but they finally gave in on speech. Here's my victory post, along with some tips on dealing with stubborn insurance companies (I guess that would be all insurance companies these days). Oh and can I just say, our co-pay has risen astronomically in the last couple of years?
What sort of experiences have you guys been having with insurance companies lately?