Artmind Tutorial: Spring Felt Birds

Mitsy from Artmind has a little tutorial she's offered to post here for us today. A fun Sunday detour. Check below for a link to her blog as she'll be giving away some of them from there.

A while ago, I received this awesome leather punch set from EviesToolEmporium as part of the Totally Tutorials Exchange program and I could hardly wait to make something with my new toys!

In Belgium, lots of people make an Easter tree as decoration. All bare branches are dressed up with decorative eggs and ribbons. I'm not a fan of all the traditional stuff so I made something different to brighten up the branches: a bunch of colorful birdies.

Here is what you need to make them:
Thick felt (3mm), a leather punch, string, small wooden beads (6mm), scissors, a drawing of a bird, a pencil and a bit of thin metal wire.

If you want you can click on the picture below and print out this bird.

Cut out the bird.

Punch the holes so that you can mark their position on the felt later.

Place the bird on the felt and trace with a pencil.

Cut out the bird.

I like lots of colors!

Then mark the position of the holes with a pencil on the birds.

Take the leather punch and punch out the marked spots. Don't punch them too close to the edges so that the holes
won't rip when you put the thread through later on.

Now cut 2 pieces of thread about 12cm or 4,5" long.

Cut a little piece of thin metal wire. This is to help pull the thread through the tiny holes.

Fold the metal wire double and put the thread in between so that it's stuck. Pull the metal wire through the hole.

Then pull the two ends through the loop.

Make a knot at the ends.

Pull the thread through one hole and via the back through the other hole.

Then thread a wooden bead on each end.

And tie a knot.

Cut off the ends that are too long.

Hang your birdies on bare branches...

... or make a bunting from them.

If you would like to win the birdies that I made for this tutorial, please leave a comment at my blog here. The winner will be drawn next week!

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