The 2010 Olympic Torch Relay
Today I'm excited to be one of ten blogs simultaneously posting the first Blog it Forward' mashup! So what does that mean? Well many of you may already know if you've been following any of the blogs involved, but just in case not, what we're going to do is post "what inspires us most" on all of our blogs and then blog it forward to another blog (that's been assigned to us) who will post what inspires them the next day and so on and so on and so on. In total there are 300 bloggers involved, 10 groups of 30 each. So after my post today, I'm passing the "torch" on to the next blog on my list, and then she'll blog it forward to the one following her, etc. So here's my post (below) of "what inspires me most", and then tomorrow, follow Sacramento Street to see what inspires her, it should be fun! You can follow all of the bloggers by going to the Blog it Forward page located at Sfgirlbybay. A big thanks to Victoria for the idea, and all the work that entailed!
So what inspires us the most?
With the 2010 Winter Olympic Games settling into our hometown this week, how could one not be inspired by the Olympic dream? And yesterday I was caught up in it when the Olympic Torch Relay was in my neighborhood. So me and probably 5000 of my neighbors emerged to see the magic! Pretty inspiring. How can you not be inspired? It's a contagious vibe, it was alive with the crowd, it represents dreams, hope and peace!
So the past few weeks as I was back and forth into Vancouver, I started to take pictures of what our city is starting to look like with the Olympics coming. But not only that, we are also celebrating Chinese New Year this week, and Valentines. It's such a positive time, and it feels good. Here are some of my favourite pictures of our city!
One of my biggest inspirations is the elderly. And so to see this elderly torch bearer today waiting her chance to carry the torch completely inspires!
Vancouver Art Gallery: Michael Lin: A Modest Veil
The Art Galleries in any city are always an inspiration for me; and a must to visit when I can. This February I'm loving this solo exhibition by Michael LIn at the Vancouver Art Gallery featuring an enormous hand-painted mural that covers the Gallery’s Georgia Street façade, bringing his artwork outside the traditional confines of the Gallery space. Click here to read more.
Chinese New Year's Lanterns at Aberdeen Centre
I love the different cultures in our city, as this is how we learn, grow and open our minds. Especially in the art world, I'm very influenced by other cultures, online and here at home. I'm constantly looking for new things and love the different perspectives out there.
James Olley, Jacana Gallery, Vancouver
New art always inspires, awes, makes me think. This piece by Canadian James Olley at the Jacana Gallery of Contemporary Art on upper Granville here in Vancouver had me in awe the other day when I drove by. I had to stop and photograph it. Simply stunning. See more of his work here. The colours are so amazing in real life, a must-see if you're in town right now.
Hudson's Bay Company
History and architecture. I love knowing where we come from and the stories that accompany them. So to look back into history and architecture always inspires me. Although Canada is a fairly young country, buildings like the Hudson's Bay Company downtown here in Vancouver, and the story behind it instills a sense of Canadiana and pride.
The North Shore mountains
Nature and more specifically, the mountains and ocean. They are such strong and powerful examples of inspiration. Even the word mountian in french, "montagne" has a special sound and feel to it.
So these are but a few of "what inspires us most". There is so much more and maybe this post will start a new life in itself. I now blog it forward to Sacramento Street! Visit her blog tomorrow and the others sharing their inspirations starting today (see links below):
• creature comforts • hula seventy • paper pony • design for mankind • ink on my fingers • heart fish • oh, hello friend • smile and wave
Happy following!
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