And why, exactly, am I going to Blissdom? I don't have a fulltime job, I do have some air miles, it's in Nashville, I found a roomie—the fabulous Katy from Bird on the Street, I think that moms who blog about kids with special needs don't get their due in the blogosphere, I'm psyched to trade notes with other bloggers and maybe, just maybe, it would be nice to get away. Bonus: Harry Freakin' Connick Jr. is singing! Yum.
I am sure I will have all sorts of adventures; you might recall what a wild-and-crazy woman I was at BlogHer. I suspect, however, that Britney Spears will not be a part of my Blissdom experience.
I'm hoping to learn more at the conference about whether it is humanly possible to earn an income off blogging, given that I like to blog and I like to have an income. Ever noticed that Daily Juicebox widget on the side of the blog? That is my humble attempt at ad revenue. I have earned a whole $75 in, like, three months, which I will most definitely spend all in one place. Juicebox is starting to flash daily deals there, just so you know.
Do you guys have any particular questions that you'd like me to ask at Blissdom? Would you like me to have a drink for you? Or get an extra hour's sleep for you? Just let me know, your wish is my command. I will not, however, take up any dares to plant one on Harry Connick Jr. Even after I guzzle 247 cocktails on your behalf.
Photo by I Love Milwaukee—what, you thought that was me? Sadly, I did not inherit the cartwheel gene, although I can do a mean tumblesault. Note, I also did not inherit the flat-stomach gene.