I can't actually believe it's taken me this long to write a post on dog art. Those of us who love dogs don't like all dog art and so when we find a piece we love, it's very satisfying. I perused Etsy for some really, really good dog art and here are some if the things I found (some of it down right amazing):
1. Lady Cecile and her Spaniels by Janet Hill
2. Captain Print by bonbiforest
3. Martha and George Go Abroad to Celebrate 25 Years of Wedded Bliss by Vivienne Strauss
4. The Little Ladies Companion by ElleJW
5. Dog Sleep Giclee Print by voideville
7. Dog Profiles by papercutsbyjoe
8. The Well Dressed Weimaraner by Rubenacker
9. Chihuahua in a Scarf by Lucy Snowe Photography